Essentials of Bussines Economics: Exercises
Autor / editor: | Machek, O., Machek, M. |
Rok vydání: | 2013 |
ISBN: | 978-80-245-1925-8 (tištěná kniha) |
Vydání: | 1. vydání |
Jazyk publikace: | angličtina |
Počet stran: | 112 |
Fakulta: | FPH |
Dostupnost: | nedostupné |
This textbook constitutes the basic study material for the course „Business Policy and Marketing“ at the Department of Business Economics, University of Economics, Prague. It covers the basic theory and examples from the field of business finance, procurement and supply and production management.
Formát publikace | A5 |
Určeno pro studium |
celoškolské |